$MR.FACE$ Artists Bio
O David Nolan Laws; A.K.A., $Mr.Face$ is an artist who creates and performs from the heart. He draws inspiration from current and world events & reflects on his personal life experiences. The Hip Hop Culture, Lifestyle, and allure caught the attention of David at the early age of 12. In the early to mid nineties during the rise and height of Dr Dre and N.W.A. of whom I was a big fan I took a greyhound bus to L.A. to visit my brother who lives in Cali. He had called me prior to me coming out to let me know that he had ran into Dr. Dre and that he had told Dre about me and my rapping skills. When l arrived in town we went to my brother’s place just hung out and explored L.A. for a few days. One day we was just chilling at his place and he received a phone call about a block party going down in L.A. that evening. We got the address Hopped in my brother’s van and drove to the location of the party, man it was lit. People was everywhere as we walked thru the crowd when I suddenly focused my eyes on someone who strikingly resembled Dr. Dre, in awe and starstruck forgetting where I’m at reach and say to my bro; hey that dude looks like Dr.Dre than Dre recognized him they speak and he tells me it is him. He than asked me to spit some bars for Dre but Dre said just chill and gave us his number to his studio in Hollywood at the time. We went to the studio for three days straight but never made it in the building but we did meet Snoop in the parking lot on his way up to work on the Chronic I believe this was just after Deep Cover and right before Snoop blew up like C4. We never did connect back with Dre but something did happen while I was in L.A. that put me on my journey and Jumpstart my music career.l was at an rec center in L.A. that I used to walk to and play basketball in the morning and one day I was shooting around and taking a rest and this older man approached me and just engaged in a conversation with me about music and the music business, in short he told me_ all about BMI, copyrights, publishing and basically how to start my own label. I returned home to Pontiac MI. hit the streets & hustled up the money to record my first project. It was entitled My ShadoW under the stage name SkrewFace in 1995 on my independent label, Faceless Records. I than released two more projects entitled: Never Forget SkrewFace for 96 & Farewell Makaveli which are still considered underground classics today. David has now recreated himself & has found a new lane and wave and has returned with a seasoned & refreshing sound with his most current releases, entitled T’M ALIVE”, “JUST VIBN”, “WIN WIN” and the title track from the upcoming full length album “THRU THE MUDD” on his new label and imprint FULL PLATE ENT. Streaming on all Platforms and also available on my website @www.fullplateent.com. I can also be contacted thru my links, https://lingapp.com/mr_face.