Retroactive Modal Holding Company…”FEATURING Garry B. Coston”

Retroactive Modal Holding Company…”FEATURING Garry B. Coston”

Artist Name/Band : Retroactive Modal Holding Company…”FEATURING Garry B. Coston”

Music Genre : Pop

Other Genre : R&B/Dance

Website or Social Media Page

RETROACTIVE MODAL is a songwriting and composing “One Man Band” performed by Garry B. Coston, a Songwriter, Vocalist, Composer & Lyricist. Born in Jacksonville FL & raised in Jasper, Jacksonville, Fort Myers and Sarasota FL, Garry experienced soul, blues, and R&B at an early age. At age 8 his Mother moved him to Jacksonville, FL, however, the most musical impact on his life would begin at age 12 after moving to Sarasota, FL. He would learn more about music while attending Sarasota Junior High School (Ms. Lou Ellen Rawls) and later Sarasota High School (Mr. Andrew J. Wright), and music theory teaching (2 years) from Mr. Edward Santana. These music classes would play a huge role in helping shape Coston into the musician that he is today. In listening to Coston’s songs, Blues, R&B and gospel can clearly be heard, however, other genres, such as Rock, Pop, House, and even Disco are also evident in his song compositions. This shows the versatility and mixed cauldron of music tastes/styles which are expressed not only in Coston’s vocals and musical compositions, but also in his overall songwriting. Though he never received formal college or university music and/or vocal training, as aforementioned, Coston was schooled, while in High School, in vocal instruction and sight reading from his Choral Director, the late Mr. Andrew J. Wright of Sarasota Florida. Coston took those 5 years of Junior High and High School music and vocal training from Mr. Wright, and Ms. Lou Ellen Rawls, coupled with two years of music theory from Mr. Edward Santana very seriously and would never forget these modes of music teaching and training, as these are what helps to make him the musician, composer, and singer that he is today. Coston began fronting professional bands in January 1989 and writing his own music much earlier in January 1983. However, since he began writing in 1983, none of Coston’s songs were of any one genre; family, friends, fans, and others always told him that his songs had an international or universal type of sound and flavor. Coston has performed with numerous soul and R&B bands and musical groups while in the U.S. Navy in Scotland, Germany, and on various U.S. Naval vessels. In addition, he has performed in numerous Blues, Soul and Classic Rock Bands while in the Fort Lauderdale/Miami area from 1994 to 2004. In 2004 Coston moved to West Central Florida where he had the privilege of performing with the West Central Florida Bands Lionheart, Funk Monster Band and Late-Night Brass. While in South Florida, Coston performed vocal session work with South Florida Musician o.b.a. Frank Lords in which he covered a dance single on the dance/techno album DANCE ROMANCE/MEGA LOVE MIXX, entitled Oh No, originally cut by the Commodores, and has also worked and collaborated with bands in South Florida with Duane Broberg and Val Lupescu while with the blues band CODE BLUE, Toby Vickers of the band FAZE II CONNECTION, Country Performer the Late Ms. Vala Vickers, Arty K of the Arty K Band, and Jim Tobaschus of CODE BLUE and CODE BLUE II. While in West Central Florida, Coston has collaborated and worked with local musicians such as Kip Cline of LATE NIGHT BRASS, Richard James of FUNK MONSTER BAND, Marko Pocta of LIONHEART, and Dane LaBarr and Ken Hoye of KICKIN’ AGAIN. At present, Coston is seeking a Manager to help shop his songs to Record labels, Music Publishers, and others who might be interested not only in his music, but primarily in the message that his songs convey. At present, Coston’s songs are listed and promoted through online music sites REVERBNATION, N1M, SONGCAST, and ITUNES. The review of his music through these marketing and promotional tools have been nothing short of positive to say the least. On REVERBNATION.COM, two of Coston’s songs, WHAT DO YOU DO, and WE ARE DONE, were set aside and pulled for curation, exhibition, and showcase/pitching to record company executives, labels, and other parties that REVERBNATION regularly liaisons with when their scouting team singles out a REVERBNATION Artist that has songs that have industry appeal and potential. Coston’s songs have a definitive message not only for His fans, but also for the world at large as the world in which we now live is experiencing a myriad of social and moral issues with painful and hurting uncertainties and searching for THE TRUTH and definitive solutions to the world’s problems. Coston’s plans and goals are to become an international Singer, Entertainer, and Recording Artist, and to eventually produce and develop new talent in the vain of the Old School type of music and vocal sounds.

Links to Where My Music Can be Purchased

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