Artist /Band : RoBB!EMAC
Music Genre : Pop


RoBB!EMAC is a dynamic individual whose life has been defined by diversity and passion. Born in Somers Point, NJ, Rob’s formative years were marked by constant movement, as he lived and attended school in various states including New Jersey, New Mexico, Maryland, and Virginia. After completing high school, Rob embarked on an adventurous career that saw him traversing the United States and the world, while living in cities such as Austin, TX, Portland, OR, and Denver, CO. It was during his time in Denver that fate intervened, leading him to meet his future wife in Dallas, TX, where he now resides.
Throughout his travels, Rob spent many of his teenage years recording music but stopped all together as he moved into adult life and started working full time. An accomplished youth soccer coach for girls U7-8, he has guided his team to an impressive five-season undefeated streak, revealing his dedication to mentoring and nurturing young talent. Outside of the soccer field, music has been Rob’s creative outlet and solace. He creates his music by drawing from situations that he encountered throughout his journey. Initially drawn to hip-hop, his musical journey has evolved, and he now finds himself gravitating more towards a blend of pop, hip-hop, and occasional country influences. Since October 2023, Rob has released two albums and three EPs, with plans for additional releases before the year’s end, a testament to his unwavering commitment to his craft.
Driven by an insatiable thirst for new experiences and a deep-rooted passion for music and sports, Rob McAndrew continues to chart his own unique path, embodying resilience, versatility, and a relentless pursuit of his creative endeavors.

What Musical Genre Do You Feel Best Describes Your Music And How Would You Describe Your Sound?

I am a Multi-Genre recording Artist that writes my own music and enjoys pushing boundaries by making a wide variety of music. My studio albums are mostly Pop with some Hip-hop/Country intwined. My most recent studio album, titled ‘Howling At The Moon’ dropped on July 18th and was comprised of Pop, Hip-hop and Country records. Outside of the two studio albums that I have dropped in the last year I have also released several EPs. I dropped a collaborative EP with FMKP00H titled ‘Debetallio The EP’ (Hip-hop) , a country EP (That One Time In Kentucky..) and soon to be an EDM EP (For Thizzle My Dizzle drops September 8th). I like to push the envelope and make good music that is created based on my life and past life events. I also have ‘The Lost Tapes’ series which is a collective of records that I never finished or are maybe incomplete in some form. I bundled them together so the music doesn’t disappear on a hard drive somewhere (Vol. 3 will drop at a random date very soon).

How Did You Get Your Name? Is There A Story?

No story this a shortened version of my Government name which people called me often growing up.

What Are or Have Been Your Musical Influences?

Life is my biggest musical influence. I write about life and the things I’ve seen or felt. I draw inspiration from other Artist as far as sound goes and that sort of thing, but the content is all driven by life and real emotions.

What Are You Working on Now? Any Future Collaborations We Can Look Forward To?

I’m working on a new album and will be dropping a collaborative project titled ‘RoBB!E & Friends’ which is a bunch of records created with friends of mine.

What Is Your Ultimate Goal in The Music Industry? What Is Your Plan Of Action?

My goal is to consistently make good music and collaborate as often as possible and to push my self as far as I can. It’s all about Growth as a person.

What Is Your Favorite Track to Perform Live and Why?

I’ve got a stack of bangers that perform well. I love creating music and sharing it with others.

What Has Been the Biggest Challenge In Your Career Thus Far?

Time. I’m have a family, a full time career and I coach Youth Soccer (U7-8, undefeated 5 season straight). We are pretty good. Making music, mixing/mastering and marketing take a lot of time to get right.

What’s Your Typical Songwriting Process?

I put on a beat and get to work. I don’t have a ritual or anything when I feel like writing then I write and if I have time to record than I record.

How Has Social Media Influenced Your Career As An Artist?

It hasn’t. I’m not that excited about seeing music merge with ‘content’ because I was never in this to become famous and I was never big on recording myself or taking selfies but I’ve been swayed a little bit now and i’ve started to put some music videos out and what not. Not my favorite thing to do by any means.

What Are Some Tracks and Artists Currently On Your Playlist?

St. John
Joyner Lucas
John Doe
Post Malone

What Did You Do Before You Started Making Music?

All kinds of shit. I’ve lived a life that isn’t like most I moved around a lot as a kid, in my adult years I traveled 90% of the year for work and I currently am VP of Operations for a Hight Tech Construction consulting company. Most of my business these days is between Dallas and Ohio but that will change as it always does.

Any Advice For Young People (Men or Women) That Want To Succeed In The Music World?

Make good music first and foremost, focus your energy there before you try to become famous making 10-second clips. Listen to different eras of music, engulf yourself of music and express yourself. It’s a tough business and people around you will make you very uncomfortable, especially if you start getting good at your craft. People do not enjoy watching others do something they love and becoming successful at it – thats a fact.

What Would You Change In The Music Industry If You Were A Top Music Executive?

I would stop robbing the artist and remove the gatekeepers from the system. The industry is complete bullshit i’ll be honest. Now that data is everything it is even worse in my opinion because the data is controlled and manipulated. Artists should be able to easily be able to convert their sales into dollar with simple math but that is not the case at all it is a very complicated web and people are making big money off of it. Get a lawyer if you get into music seriously.

How Do You Feel About Originality?

It’s everything.

Is There Anything Else We Should Know About You Or That You Would Like to Add?

Today is my birthday.. I don’t feel any older but today is my Birthday. Thank you for the opportunity to share some of my thoughts I appreciate the platform. Shout out to Dj Wax for hunting me down.. GO CHECK OUT ‘HOWLING AT THE MOON’ now!!! And even if it’s not Me, go support your favorite artists man, buy a song, a t-shirt, anything to show them that you appreciate what they do. I couldn’t imagine trying to eat off of this shit these days – shout out to those that do!!


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