Artist Name/Band: Drown Again

Music Genre : Rock

Other Genre : Alt Rock

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Drown Again, 

What Musical Genre Do You Feel Best Describes Your Music And How Would You Describe Your Sound?

We are mostly influenced by Rock music 
from the 70s and 80s like Journey and Led Zeppelin,  clear up to the grunge movement like Alice in chains to Soundgarden.  Our sound is quite diverse, we have moderate heavy music, and we have acoustic driven rock…  pretty much we write on feel, and that usually offers a wide array of musical art.

How Did You Get Your Name? Is There A Story?

Band names are always a nightmare to find one that isn’t already used.  We wrote the song called Drown Again, and after knocking many different Band  names around, Rob , our singer , said let’s just use Drown Again.  The band was like ,  yah … thats good. The song is about everyday struggles of life,  and Band life is no different. Lol. 

What Are or Have Been Your Musical 

My personal influences run deep.   Everything from The Eagles, Hall and Oats, Metallica, Alice in Chains , Three Days Grace and beyond. I personally find enjoyment and inspiration from so many types of music.  I just love it. 

What Are You Working On Now? Any Future Collaborations We Can Look Forward To?

Drown Again just signed with new Managment ..EMG in New York.  We are doing a complete overhaul of many of the business aspects . But on the music side , we have about 15 songs getting fine tuned, and will get whittled down to 8 or 10 soon for the next album release.  Funny you ask about collaboration,   the band was in Atlanta recently for the ISSA music awards show, where we won a Band Of The Year award out of our several categories of 
nominations,  we met so many great artists, and it looks like we may do a collaboration with a great band out of Vancouver BC called The Mighty One.  So stay tuned for that .

What Is Your Ultimate Goal In The Music Industry? What Is Your Plan Of Action?

The band has found a winning formula with Frank writing music, Erik and Rob getting poetic in lyrics, and Rob doing some amazing vocal work.   Shortly after we returned from Atlanta, we were contacted by Galaxy 107fm in New Zealand,  that we had also won their Band Of The Year award by their listeners,   so we are gonna keep doing what we are doing, building our listeners and focus on touring schedule.  For us , our goal is mostly the music,  if we get any kind of monetary success, or maybe get a Billboard top 40 hit,  that’s an added 

What Is Your Favorite Track To Perform Live and Why?

The first song we recorded together is called Measure Of Man, that’s probably my personal favorite , it’s a serious song, with a great 6/8 time signature,  so it has a little different groove than standard 4/4 Rock. Live it also can me done Rock style, or all acoustic,  can add symphony, etc. It’s wide open , which makes for an amazing live song,  and if the audience feels what we are putting out emotionally,  thats the best.

What Has Been The Biggest Challenge In Your Career Thus Far?

The music business is a challenging industry, navigating everything from scammers , bad promoters,  streaming services, you name it,  it’s all a challenge.  I was asked why I am chasing this music 
dream.  My response , was .. Im not chasing a dream,  I’m living it. I do music, I will always do music ,  thats the important thing.  Everything else is distraction .

What’s Your Typical Songwriting Process?

It always starts with Frank and his compositions,  he is constantly writing music , and usually has a feeling , topic, that inspired that music.  They other members than add and build on to it,  and it comes out a final song. 

How Has Social Media Influenced Your Career As An Artist?

Social media allows you to reach many people, yet its also kind of a double edge sword, meaning ….someone always has to always manage it.  So we try to keep on it, but sometimes we fall behind. …lol.

What Are Some Tracks and Artists 
Currently On Your Playlist? 

OH MAN…. Thats a long list of artists and genres..   lol.  So recently I was reflecting back to bands that recorded live in studio like Frank Black and the Catholics,  The Doobie Brothers , and even Fleetwood Mac. Mostly to study recording , mixing etc. So there’s some songs by those groups, as well as Long way,  from Eddie Vedder,  Kicking Stones , by The Mighty One, and even Harden My Heart, Quarterflash. I go down rabbit holes with music.  

What Did You Do Before You Started Making Music?

I started playing guitar ar about 14 years old.  Ironically,  I also started working in the plumbing trade about that age.  So I’ve pretty much have done both of those things my entire life.  I currently own a plumbing company in Washington State 
USA, So I jokingly tell everyone I only know how to do 2 things,  plumbing and music. Lol.  Rob  , our singer has some advanced degrees in electrical and biological fields ,and Erik worked in the Security industry,   so just an odd group of guys that love to make music. 

Any Advice For Young People (Men or Women) That Want To Succeed In The Music World?

Success means something different to everyone.  As it pertains to music ,  I always tell younger artists that music is an expression of emotion or experience,  we use life experiences, feelings, and inner thoughts to motivate our music, and we will not change that for any commercial success. Is it nice to make money in the music industry? Yes,  but will we change our sound with the change in wind or tastes to appease others?  Hell No!!  Write 
the music that inspires you, and someone will gravitate towards it,  there’s an audience for every kind of music , you just have to find them, and living in the digital age, that’s easier than ever before,  so do what you do!!! .

What Would You Change In The Music Industry If You Were A Top Music Executive?

The obvious one is how , and how much artists are paid.  There’s a stranglehold , or one might even say a scam against the artists right now.  Everyone wants to profit off of your art, and it seems harder and harder to make a Living in music,  Yet, not impossible. The other thing I’d like to change in the US anyways is major conglomerates owning all the radio stations, which is truly killing music also. When you have 1 program director for 150 stations,  guess what?  They all play the 
same cookie cutter music, and it kind of sucks. So you end up with 8 out of 10 bands sounding like say,… Lincoln Park for example , on the station.  Don’t get me wrong, …love Lincoln park,   but I don’t need 100 other bands to sound like them.  So let’s break up the monopolies,  and get back to local stations playing local bands, along with the national signed artists. How many radio stations in years past actually were responsible for breaking a new band?  Many !!  So let’s get back to diversity in music and not this cookie cutter music that is spoonfed to the audience . 

How Do You Feel About Originality?

Originality is key to music.  One of course has to learn the basics of music, but then expand on it to make something you created with those basics. ” Explore the studio space ” as they say!!

Is There Anything Else We Should Know About You Or That You Would Like to Add?

So Drown Again members are humble artists,  not too full of ego, and we really try to write our songs to make a connection with our listeners.  Which is why I think we are having the success thats landing our way recently.  We want that connection with the audience that understands what we re trying to say.  Saying that,  we will definitely not be changing how we do things.  We may write  music across different genres , some may seem heavy, hard rock,  some may turn out pop radio friendly , but that’s because that’s what the song feeling is about, and we will go where it takes us.  We hope you continue to check us out, keep an eye out for new tunes dropping soon!

Thank you from all of us at Drown Again

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