Artist/Band: Bramm Lindentree
Music Genre: Folk
Other Music Genre: Rock
Websites or Social Media Pages
Spotify : dark into daylight
Bramm began writing poetry at the age of 15. His work is a unique blend of cleverly crafted lyrics and haunting melodies. His first songs, BABY and KALEIDOSCOPE, featuring female voices, went on to win A.S.A. awards, and in 2010, he wrote, sang, and produced his first song, FREEDOM ANTHEM. Since then, Bramm has gone on to write, sing, design, and produce 20 independent songs and videos ranging from Dance to Folk, Rock, and Country. At the heart of his songs are the themes of Freedom, Justice, Growth, and Connection to the Natural World. His latest song, DARK INTO DAYLIGHT, was short-listed for the A.S.A. Awards 2024. Bramm is also a visual artist.
What Musical Genre Do You Feel Best Describes Your Music And How Would
You Describe Your Sound?
I don’t think my music fits neatly into any genre, and I’m happy with that. I’m a bit of a round peg in a square hole. I suppose my roots are in Folk, but I’ve written in other genres as well, including rock and dance. Whatever comes out comes out.
How Did You Get Your Name? Is There A Story?
Bramm means Raven and Lindentree is the name of my first group. I changed my name ten years ago because I didn’t want to bear my father’s name For various reasons I do not need to go into… now I’m Bramm
Lindentree which incidentally is the Tree of Love.
What Are or Have Been Your Musical Influences?
I love Amy Whitehouse, Tracy Chapman, George Michael,Grace Jones,Simple Minds, The Cure,Bowie,Rufus Du Sol,Chris Rea , Souxsie and te Banshees
and of course Dylan.
What Are You Working On Now? Any Future Collaborations We Can Look
Forward To?
I have written a new blues track called DEEP WATER. Its all about Infidelity and the devastating effects it has on a relationship.
What Is Your Ultimate Goal In The Music Industry? What Is Your Plan Of
My ultimate goal I suppose is to keep writing without attachment to outcome. What will be will be.If someone picks up one of my songs and decides to record it, the well and good but,to be quite honest, I’m m not a competitive person. I just love the process of creation….the flowering of a seed….an idea.
What Is Your Favorite Track To Perform Live and Why?
I dont really preform live alot. I prefer the recording studio but when I do I love to perform Mountains of Things by the incredible Tracy Chapman.
What Has Been The Biggest Challenge In Your Career Thus Far?
The biggest challenge is not to give up and give in….to honour the talent I have been given and not fall into the trap of comparing myself to others who have more experience than myself, because after all, Songwriting came later in my life. I started writing poetry.
What Is Your Typical Songwriting Process?
I write words in a melodic form. I sing them into my phone and then I assemble the musicians I need to play on the tracks. I produce and direct all my own pieces. i have been very lucky to have worked with some talented people who have given a great deal to enhance the songs.
How Has Social Media Influenced Your Career As An Artist?
It’s the way I get my message out. It is my connection to the world.
What Are Some Tracks and Artists Currently On Your Playlist?
Bob Marley.Setwun.Tibetan Meditation Music.Moss.Celeste
What Did You Do Before You Started Making Music?
Drink alot…No….only joking…I like to sit in a quite spot and relax .
Any Advice For Young People (Men or Women) That Want To Succeed In The
Music World?
I’m not one to give advice.
What Would You Change In The Music Industry If You Were A Top Music
Independent Artists have a hard time getting their music out.I would make it easier for people who dont fit iinto the mould to be heard,
How Do You Feel About Originality?
I like to think my work is original.Certainly the process by which it comes to fruition is.Im a visual artist as well and originality is a
result of letting go and just creating.It like ‘free fall.’….Sometimes it works…sometime not so but its the process thats important.
Is There Anything Else We Should Know About You Or That You Would Like
to Add?
I quess, what I want more than anything is that,people take the time to listen to my lyrics because there lies the message of the song.