Artists/Band: A’dem
Music Genre : Pop
Other Genres: Alternative
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New York Singer Songwriter A’dem was introduced to the music world by his debut abum “Des Roses Dan Le Vent” in 2007 as Dem. Mostly crafted with romantic lyrics, the then Zouk music style drove fans of all ages to the dance floor and convinced the singer to go for a second opus of the genre in 2012 tited “Ne m’Oublie Pas” But in 2017, when in Los Angeles, the singer dared to rewind the time to his primary genre by recording under the inspiration of the Hollywood lights, a new EP. Considered to be of the new age: the release of “We’re Traveling in The Dream” or “Crazy Lover in The Street” and “I Would Like to be your Soldier” has triggered the path to his next album.

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