Jamez Dean

Name: Jamez DeanMusic genre: Hip hopWebsite or Social Media Pagehttps://www.reverbnation.com/jamezdean7Links to Where My Music Can be Purchasedhttps://music.apple.com/us/artist/jamez-dean/1179126472My Social Media Linkshttps://open.spotify.com/artist/6otEjJdqOWGIgBQl4Ob24F?si=exu-hW1uQe6B8ZDF8D6D1Q&dl_branch=1https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-KB1zEavGI4e0DgUtV-3wYoutube Link To My Videohttps://youtu.be/lp9NjBC6wW4


Name: REMOMusic genre: RockBioI am a Composer/Producer/Engineer. Thanks so much for listening.There is no secret to REMO’s proficiency; he was a professional recording engineer from 1981 to 1993 and has over 100 albums to his credit, and a few Gold record engineering awards too. He plays keyboards, which cover a great number of instruments and […]

James Houston

Name: James HoustonMusic genre: RnBWebsite or Social Media Pagehttps://www.fotyrecords.com/Links to Where My Music Can be Purchasedhttps://ditto.fm/ive-got-to-use-my-imaginationMy social media pageshttps://www.instagram.com/foty_records/https://twitter.com/fotyllchttps://www.facebook.com/FOTY-Records-LLC-103739874915041Youtube Link To My Videohttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwmeLkUwww_bHs2YjLUNT3w

James Nikolas Music

Name: James Nikolas MusicMusic genre: PopBioHaving been a guitarist for 30 years no, James’s love for music is still in full swing. Now a days his focus is just a little different. Having played most styles of music ranging from metal to jazz, he really has grasped the feel of how to approach music with […]


Name: ActivateMeMusic genre: PopBioActivateMe Song Production Team is focused on creating hit songs for rising and established artists as well as creating material for sync-licensing placements. Website or Social Media Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/ActivateMeProd/ My social media pageshttps://bit.ly/3qiywYdhttps://bit.ly/3j1t6ze Youtube Link To My Videohttps://youtu.be/uk6rT1-rvU4


Name: ScarecrowzMusic genre: MetalBioSCARECROWZ is a four piece hard rock band from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The band formed in 2000 and has been a regular mainstay on the scene there. They have peformed regularly and toured southern Ontario and western Quebec. The group has received airplay in Germany, the U.K., the U.S. as well as […]

Riki Graham

Name: Riki GrahamMusic genre: PopBio Website or Social Media Pagehttps://www.instagram.com/riki.grahamLinks to Where My Music Can be Purchasedhttp://www.reverbnation.com/open_graph/artist/5997392Youtube Link To My Videohttps://youtu.be/bHtVgJeYRUo

J. P. Bohannon

Name: J. P. BohannonMusic genre: Folk/AmericanaBio Website or Social Media Pagehttps://www.reverbnation%2Ccom/jpbohannonLinks to Where My Music Can be Purchasedhttps://music.apple.com/us/search?term=J.%20P.%20Bohannonhttps://www.amazon.com/s?k=J.+P.+Bohannon&ref=nb_sb_nossYoutube Link To My Videohttp://ttps//www.youtube.com/results?search_query=another+sunday+morning+tune


Name: SOUND FORMERMusic genre: EDMBioSince I was 13, I have been very interested in music. My first attempt took place during the cool edit period. Today I work with modern sequencer and external instruments. My preference is in electronic music but also make modern classic tracks and film music. Also like to combine several genres. […]

Rachael Joan

Name: Rachael JoanMusic genre: RockBio I am a singer-songwriter that comes from a musical family and grew up on the Northside of Chicago, IL. I started off writing poetry at a young age and then put that with the melodies in my head to create songs. I was always fascinated by the cinematic music of […]